Signs of pregnancy you may not know

By Gabriella
Created on Mar 21, 2024

Currently, there are many methods to accurately detect pregnancy such as pregnancy tests, ultrasound, and tests. However, pregnant women can still know that they are pregnant based on the following common signs. 

When you encounter the signs below, you don't need to worry much. Use the Home Pregnancy Test Strips Kit or go to a health clinic where there are fertility specialists to receive advice from doctors.

1) Chest pain

After conception, hormones in a woman's body change rapidly, causing blood flow to the breasts to increase, causing the breasts to swell and become sore. This is one of the most common symptoms during pregnancy. Pregnant women should choose loose, comfortable bras and regularly massage the chest area gently to feel comfortable.

2) Delayed menstruation

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A missed period is probably the most obvious and common sign that helps pregnant women recognize pregnancy early. When conception is completed, the body will secrete the hormone hCG and the next period will not occur. However, some women have irregular menstruation, so it is easy to mistake it for amenorrhea after conception.

3) Cramps

Pregnant women can feel pain due to cramps similar to menstruation around days 6-12 of pregnancy. This phenomenon is because the egg begins to adhere tightly to the uterine wall and causes the uterus to stretch slightly, causing pain in preparation for the expansion process during the nine months of pregnancy.

4. Pregnancy blood stains appear

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About 10 days after conception, some pregnant women will experience vaginal bleeding along with mild abdominal cramps. This is explained by the embryo moving into the uterus and attaching to the endometrial layer.

Many people often mistake bleeding at this time as a normal menstrual cycle. But if you notice that the bleeding is short, light and different from normal, you should think about being pregnant.

5. Fatigue

Feeling tired is considered one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Pregnant women often feel tired from the first week of pregnancy. Fatigue originates from the mother losing part of her energy to provide for the development of the fetus. Usually, pregnant women will feel less tired after 12 weeks of pregnancy, when the placenta is fully formed.

6. Dark nipples

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During pregnancy, the hormones the body secretes will affect the activity of epidermal cells, thereby creating melanin around the nipples and making the skin on the nipples gradually darker. However, this is not an early sign of the two periods because it is not until the 10th week that the pregnant woman can clearly see the difference in color of the nipples.

7. Nausea

About 80% of pregnant women experience morning nausea during the first few weeks of pregnancy. This is also considered the most common condition during pregnancy. The cause is an increase in the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the body during pregnancy.

8. Bloating, indigestion

Constipation and bloating are common signs of pregnancy. To limit this phenomenon, pregnant women should increase fiber intake and drink about 2 liters of water per day.

9. Urinating more

During pregnancy, the uterus grows to nourish the embryo, so it will press on the bladder, leading to more frequent urination. Later, as the uterus grows larger, the bladder becomes more compressed, so the pregnant woman has to urinate more often.

10. Sensitive to taste

This sign is an early signal to help identify pregnancy. Some smells often make pregnant women feel uncomfortable and nauseous such as the smell of cigarettes, perfume, food... This sensitivity can gradually decrease after the end of the first 3 months of pregnancy.

11. Food cravings

During pregnancy, the body needs to be provided with more energy to ensure adequate supply for both mother and baby. Therefore, feeling hungry and craving food often is a very common sign during pregnancy.

12. Headache

The increase in blood circulation in the body will cause pregnant women to frequently have headaches in the first weeks after the egg has been fertilized. This is also a sign that the body is adjusting itself to the surge of hormones during pregnancy.

13. Body temperature increases

If you monitor your body temperature, a positive sign of pregnancy is an increase of about 1 degree that lasts more than 2 weeks after ovulation.

14. Dizziness

Because the amount of hCG hormone increases, you will feel tired. Other symptoms such as constipation, sore breasts, bloating or headaches are enough to make you exhausted before entering morning sickness.

15. Mood swings

During pregnancy, pregnant women are very emotional and their moods can also change erratically. It may be the result of hormonal changes in the body and physical changes of the pregnant woman.

16. Drowsiness

Signs that are easy to ignore during pregnancy are drowsiness and sleeping more. However, some pregnant women experience insomnia.

To know exactly whether you are pregnant or not, you should go to a reputable medical facility for ultrasound and testing. Determining early pregnancy is very important, helping you adjust your diet and rest appropriately, which is good for the development of the fetus, especially in the first 3 months when miscarriage is easy, pregnant women with a history of miscarriage.

 Pregnancy and premature birth require extreme caution during this period. The first 3 months are also the golden time to perform the most accurate prenatal screening tests for babies, early detecting birth defects such as Down's disease. Therefore, when there are suspicions of pregnancy, you should have an ultrasound early. Ultrasound results depend greatly on the qualifications of the technician and modern equipment. When choosing an ultrasound medical facility, you should be based on these two factors.

Changes in the mother during pregnancy also put women at greater risk of dental problems (such as tooth decay, periodontitis, etc. Therefore, in addition to regular prenatal check-ups, Pregnant mothers also need to pay attention to planning proper dental care at reputable medical facilities to take good care of themselves during pregnancy.



Gabriella is a professional writer and editor with over 6 years of experience covering in all aspects: baby care, home appliances, food, travel.... Graduated from Lehigh University (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania) & She has passion on writing Blog & share the best information. Before joining with us in 2023, she stayed homes for baby care in NY. 

