10 ways to invest in yourself to help you live happier

Alice Gilbert
By Alice Gilbert
Created on Mar 11, 2024

“Invest in yourself as much as possible, because you are your own greatest asset by far.”  Warren Buffet said. Thus, investing in yourself is never a "loss". Because when you live happily with positive thinking, you will always find solutions to your problems and enjoy life to the fullest.

Investing in yourself is not just about external appearance factors such as clothes or jewelry, it also originates from what is "inherent" in each person such as health or relationships. Let's take a look at beneficial investments that you should consider!



Health is considered the most valuable asset of each person. If you do not maintain stable health, your goals and ability to accomplish the things you dream of will become more difficult. "Prevention is better than cure", surely the money you spend to care for and improve your health is much more useful than using it to... pay hospital fees. Investing in health not only helps build a strong and stable mental foundation, it also creates favorable conditions for you to focus more on all aspects of life. To have good health, you need to build a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Make sure every meal is always full of essential nutrient groups, use safe foods and avoid skipping meals. Besides, exercise plays an important role in preventing and preventing diseases and improving and enhancing mental health. You can choose any sport that suits your interests, or switch to activities such as meditation, yoga, walking... if you prefer gentle exercise.



Sometimes, time constraints due to work pressure, along with the worries of a busy life, will unintentionally create distance between you and your family and friends. However, these relationships play an extremely important role, they are always the people who stand by your side, accompany you on your life's journey and are a safe place for you to return to. So, try to spend your free time gathering, going out or chatting with your family and relatives. For friends, occasionally take the initiative to meet up and confide in each other. This will help you create deep connections in social relationships. In life, balance between work and personal relationships is the key to having a fulfilling and happy life.


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This is the best investment you should pay attention to, because when you constantly strive to learn new things, you will receive flexibility, acumen in solving problems, and respect from everyone around you. around and increasingly enhance your self-worth. When asked about the secret to becoming successful, Warren Buffet shared that spending 80% of his day reading and learning has helped him become the person he is today.

Therefore, to become more excellent, you can spend 30 minutes a day reading books, watching news or signing up for useful online courses on topics you are interested in. Maintain this habit for a while and you will notice clear progress. 



Now there are many ways for you to travel easily. Traveling brings you new experiences, relieves stress and helps make life more balanced. Therefore, traveling is sometimes also a way to invest in yourself to make your life more useful. Traveling also gives you the opportunity to meet new friends, discover new cuisines, and create new ideas for your life. Now what you need to do is to explore your fav destinations & start when the time is right.



Taking care of your appearance is not only a way for you to beautify yourself more confidently and brilliantly, it is also a journey to show how you love and care for yourself. Thereby, your image and value will be enhanced in the eyes of others.

Currently, the trend of building personal images and makeup styles is becoming increasingly diverse and accessible to the masses. However, you don't need to follow certain trends or trends to show that you are stylish or trendy. Choose the style that suits you and helps you feel most comfortable being yourself. Sometimes, gentleness and politeness in makeup and clothing create a unique beauty that is extremely attractive. You can also take care your appearance at home & explore beauty care from allureseason. 

 In addition, diet and exercise contribute significantly to having a healthy and balanced appearance. Taking care of your appearance doesn't mean you have to try to build a polished image for others to see and judge. See it as simply taking care of and nurturing the "self" inside.



To maintain a positive and happy state in a sustainable way, the first thing you need to do is "cultivate" your mental health. You will get more done and live more comfortably if you are in a clear state and feel loved. If you need to relieve the pressures of life or encounter difficult problems, it's time to find people who can understand and share with you - family, friends... Don't suffer alone for too long because it can lead you to negative physical and mental situations. Allow yourself to rest if needed and seek out a therapist when you feel your problems need a better solution to find the cause and completely resolve them.


This is an extremely necessary skill you need to equip in adulthood. If you know how to manage personal cash flow, you can control your income, manage your spending and invest intelligently.

To manage personal income effectively, set short-term, medium-term or long-term financial goals depending on your needs. Next, you should cut unnecessary expenses and increase income from many sources by working overtime, investing or selling online. If you want to invest in real estate or stocks, research the market situation and information sources carefully before making a decision.



You should remember that the people you connect with and bond with in social relationships will directly affect your psychology. Positive relationships will bring bright colors to life. It contributes to improving mental health and reducing stress, for example, a close friend who is always ready to listen to you and give advice when you are off track, or a loved one who always supports every dream, your wishes. Therefore, you should stop interacting with negative individuals and stay away from toxic relationships to avoid lowering your frequency and bringing about some anxiety problems. Don't be afraid to express your opinion if necessary and expand your circle of relationships with people who bring positive energy, okay!


Your life will become more meaningful if you practice healthy habits. Good habits, when repeated many times, will help improve the quality of life. Here are some good habits you can do every day to nourish your own spirit.

  • Drink enough water every day
  • Ensure sleep quality
  • Learn a new skill
  • Limit the use of electronic devices
  • Cut down on consumption of fast food and sweets
  • Buy health insurance



In addition to investing in yourself, you can do volunteer work and social contributions. Helping others not only improves your personality and morality, it also helps you feel happier and love life more. Try volunteering with non-profit organizations or donating a small amount of money. Seemingly small things always contribute to building a good community.


Alice Gilbert

Alice Gilbert

Alice Gilbert has lived in Colorado, and she has 3 years of writing blog & write reviews for products. With unique writing style, she helps the clients to select suitable products for their use. In her current role, she explores everything from design trends and home tours to lifestyle product recommendations, including writing her monthly column.

